At the farm

Selkie Sue:   I'se hopes I'se doan step in nuffin nasty wif mine noo boots

Bash:   Sew mew wands meese tew carry mew?

Willow:   Royal, didz mew an Selkie Sue goeds tew da samest stow? Mew owtfitz neerly match

Royal:  Nope butt it shows dat Selkie Sue haf gud taste tew.

Jazz:   Speedy! Mew moof mew paw ore I'se gonna kik mew agin

Speedy:   Ouch! I'se knot doin nuffin!

Mimi:   I'se minnie happies I'se weared diz hoodie.  It gonna bees code

Baby:   Watt weeze rilly kneads bees a cupul nize Tomz tew keeps usts warm

Zena:   Duz enywon thin da Rathi gonna figger owt tew takeds off herz hat sow herz kin gits off da bus?  

Scraps:   Tin tew won herz duz knot

Playful:   Sumthymes herz kin bees sow stoopid herz cud pass fur a dawg

Mr Nyman:   (thinking) I'se gotta luk kool tew attrack a fine laydee

Jordan:   (thinking) I'se hopes nosewon sees dat mine flag bees bakwords

Lady Gray:   Hey Jordan! Didz mew nose dat mew flag bees bakwords?

Naybor:   I'se steeled dis jakit frum massa's closit

Tessan:   Mew mite haf tew gift it tew meeze. It gittin code owt hear

Tyke:   (thinking) Dis bees embareassin haffin tew bees wif mine sisfur

Patches:   (thinking) Dis bees embareassin haffin tew bees wif mine brofur

Jessey:   Wears Rathi? Herz were rite aside meeze on da bus. Rathi! Rathi! Wear mew bees?

On the bus---(hat too big to git thru door?)

Rathi:   HEP! HEP! Sum kitty heps meeze gits offin diz bus! JESSEY! HEP MEEZE!

On other bus---

Storme:   I'se stayin on dis bus. It tew code owtside

Mysty:   Mew gotz dat rite. Knot freezin mine tail fur nuffin

By Kettle Korn Stand---

Mr. Spock:   Lukkit awl dem pumkinz! Wize didz weeze byes eny up da rode?

Shadow Leigh:   Hoo cares bout pumkins? Wenn's dat kettle korn gonna bees reddy?

Dewey:   Dat rite! I'se gittin hongree!   hmmm...  Wonfur ware Dixie iz?   I donna like bein alone 

Behine banner rope---

Sundance:   Duz mew thin efurrywon bees laffin at mine pants?

Pixie:   Ob corse snot! snikker

Way back---

Smokey Jo:   thinking) I'se shore hopeds dat nosewon notis dat I'se comed weigh bak hear tew fart. Ah! Dat's bedder





DeZign by DeWitch ©2008
Images Googled & enhanced by DeWitch
Dialogue by Unka Henry
*Best viewed with a 1024 x 768 Screen Resolution*