Wagon 1


Jasper Jax:   Wowza, dis gonna beez da bestest hayride effur!

Sabrina:   I fink it so kewl dat so many of our furriens comed, donna

Shamus:   Mews Miss Pepe, is mew haffing a gud times?

Miss Pepe:   Oh, Shamus, I is alla time haff a gud time wen I wiff mew.

Magick:   I shure hopes dere fude at da end of dis ride.

FireFly:   I bet dere a weenie roast an a big camps fire!!

Dobby:    Mews Sydney, I neffer gode on a haywide afore an', dat shure a
bigg horsey. Is mew fink he mite bites us?

Sydney:   Mews Dobby, mew sech a sweet baby boy. Iffen he effun luk at
mew furrny, I wills bites him furse!!

Royal:   Mews, Willow, wat happen iffen da horsey not wanna pulls us no

Willow:   I haff no clues! I onliest noze how to fixes bikes!

Mr Nyman:   Is anyone elses heer spookie noyses?

Boo:   Woof, Mr Nyman, it probally jess tricks an' treaters hidin in
da wuds!

Thisbe:   Arf, I not so many sure. I hears skeery noyses, too

Bear:   Woof, woof, me an Dixie wills watches out fur mew all, rite,

Dixie:   Woofies, Bear, a course we wills. Asides, dere nuttin spookies
out here.

Dewey:   I is gettin' askaird. I wanna goze sit wiff my sisfur. She
wills proteck me!

Dixie:   Sheesh Dewey, stop bein susha baby!  Yu ar sittin aside me!  Yu wanna sit aside Bear???

Bash:   Mews, Selkie Sue, dis mite beez a gud purrlace to haff our

Selkie Sue:   Dat soun' wonderfur, Bash, so long dere's no ghosties or
nuffin!  BUT I tink my Meowmies got sumfin elks planned;)

Pixie:   Mews, Sundance, isn'd dis talk romantical?

Sundance:   Mebbe, alls I noze it makin' me many hungries.... mewhehe

Tessan:   Now I is hearin' scairy noyses. Is mew hears dat? (who who

Naybor:   Not to worries, dat jess a owel. It not bofur us. He eats
mousies, jess like we doze!





DeZign  by DeWitch ©2008
Images Googled & enhanced by DeWitch
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